Dimension Reduction: Variable Clustering Algorithm for Credit Scoring
In credit scoring, we tend to decrease the size of the feature set if our dataframe’s width is large. In most of the cases, the feature set has more than 1000 variables. The last time I prepared a scorecard, I had 3500 features initially. So, we have to reduce this number <100. The most common approach to this is the following:
Variable clustering method: Popular data mining softwares like SAS Enterprise Miner supports this option and it works pretty well. The main principle of this algorithm is it groups the variables by R^2 values. Each group has several features with high in-group correlation and low cross-group correlation. So, we end up with feature clusters where the most similar features stick together. After this, we select the feature with highest R^2 value in each group so that we eliminate the other in-group features that are correlated with it. If we have 30 groups of features, we will end up with 30 strong features that have low correlation between them, which is what we wanted.
However, I suggest you to check the in-group correlations by yourself because sometimes you might eliminate a very strong feature even though it is correlated with another one.
Also, before you perform this, don’t forget to eliminate 100% target-correlated variables. Actually, I set the threshold to 98%.
Here is the algorithm:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
import abc
class BaseDecompositionClass:
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def decompose(self, dataframe):
:param dataframe: a pandas dataframe that includes feature space to be decomposed
class Cluster:
A tree-node type container that is capable of decomposing itself based on PCA and holds the
following information
- features in this cluster
- first n PCA components and their corresponding eigenvalues
def __init__(self, dataframe, n_split=2, feature_list=None, parents=None, children=None,
:param dataframe: A pandas dataframe
:param n_split: Number of sub-clusters every time a cluster is split
:param feature_list: A list of feature names
:param parents: A list of parents to this cluster, if any
:param children: A list of children to this cluster, if any
:param name: Name of the cluster
# Using dataframe.columns will generate an index-list which is not convertible to set
self.features = feature_list or list(dataframe)
self.dataframe = dataframe[self.features]
self.n_split = n_split
self.parents = parents or []
self.children = children or []
self.name = name or ''
self.pca = None
self._pca_features = []
self._pca_corr = []
def run_pca(self):
A wrapper around sklearn.decomposition.PCA.fit().
Additionally, it calculates the first n_split PCA components
if not self.features:
print('No features to conduct PCA')
elif len(self.features) < self.n_split:
print('Number of features is smaller than n_split, reducing n_split temporarily')
n_split = len(self.features)
n_split = self.n_split
self.pca = PCA(n_components=n_split).fit(self.dataframe)
for i in range(n_split):
def input_check(self):
Checks the input against below rules
1. If the features is a list
if type(self.features) is not list:
print('Input argument features is not a list. Wrapping it in a list')
self.features = [self.features]
def return_all_leaves(self):
Returns all terminal child leaves. If no children, returns self
:return: A list of terminal child leaves if any. Otherwise, returns [self]
if not self.children:
return [self]
child_leaves_nested = [child.return_all_leaves() for child in self.children]
return [leaf for leaves in child_leaves_nested for leaf in leaves]
def pca_eigenvalues(self):
if not self.features:
return [0]
if self.pca is None:
return self.pca.explained_variance_
def pca_features(self):
if not self.features:
return []
if self.pca is None:
return self._pca_features
def pca_corr(self):
if not self.features:
return []
if self.pca is None:
return self._pca_corr
def __key(self):
return (tuple(self.features), self.dataframe.shape)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__key() == other.__key()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__key())
class VarClus(BaseDecompositionClass):
A class that does oblique hierarchical decomposition of a feature space based on PCA.
The general algorithm is
1. Conducts PCA on current feature space. If the max eigenvalue is smaller than threshold,
stop decomposition
2. Calculates the first N PCA components and assign features to these components based on
absolute correlation from high to low. These components are the initial centroids of
these child clusters.
3. After initial assignment, the algorithm conducts an iterative assignment called Nearest
Component Sorting (NCS). Basically, the centroid vectors are re-computed as the first
components of the child clusters and the algorithm will re-assign each of the feature
based on the same correlation rule.
4. After NCS, the algorithm tries to increase the total variance explained by the first
PCA component of each child cluster by re-assigning features across clusters
def __init__(self, n_split=2, max_eigenvalue=1, max_tries=3):
:param n_split: Number of sub-clusters that every time a cluster is split into
:param max_eigenvalue: Eigenvalue threshold below which the decomposition will be stopped
:param max_tries: Number of max tries before the algorithm gives up
self.n_split = n_split
self.max_eigenvalue = max_eigenvalue
self.max_tries = max_tries
self.cluster = None
def reassign_one_feature_pca(cluster_from, cluster_to, feature, other_clusters=None):
Tries to re-assign a feature from a cluster to the other cluster to see if total
explained variance of all clusters (represented by the first PCA component)is increased.
If increased, the re-assignment will stay
:param cluster_from: The cluster where the feature comes from
:param cluster_to: The cluster where the feature will join
:param feature: Feature to be tested
:param other_clusters: Other clusters for calculating total explained variance
:return: Original or new cluster_from and cluster_to
if not (feature in cluster_from.features):
return cluster_from, cluster_to
# This shouldn't happen when calling decompose()
if feature in cluster_to.features:
print('feature {} is already in cluster_to'.format(feature))
return cluster_from, cluster_to
print('assessing feature {}'.format(feature))
other_clusters = other_clusters or []
cluster_from_new_df = cluster_from.dataframe.drop(feature, axis=1)
cluster_to_new_df = cluster_to.dataframe.join(cluster_from.dataframe[feature])
cluster_from_new = Cluster(dataframe=cluster_from_new_df,
cluster_to_new = Cluster(dataframe=cluster_to_new_df,
# This shouldn't happen logically
if len(cluster_from.features + cluster_to.features) != \
len(cluster_from_new.features + cluster_to_new.features):
missing_feature = set(cluster_from.features + cluster_to.features) - \
set(cluster_from_new.features + cluster_to_new.features)
print('feature missing....the missing feature is...{}').format(missing_feature)
explained_variance_before_assignment = np.sum(
[cluster.pca_eigenvalues[0] for cluster in [cluster_from, cluster_to] + other_clusters],
explained_variance_after_assignment = np.sum(
[cluster.pca_eigenvalues[0] for cluster in
[cluster_from_new, cluster_to_new] + other_clusters],
print('current EV is {0}, new EV is {1}'.format(explained_variance_before_assignment,
if explained_variance_after_assignment > explained_variance_before_assignment:
return cluster_from_new, cluster_to_new, True
return cluster_from, cluster_to, False
def reassign_features_pca(child_clusters, max_tries=3):
Iteratively assesses if a re-assignment of a feature is going to increase the total
variance explained of the child clusters. The variance explained by a child cluster is
the variance explained by the first PCA component
:param child_clusters: A list of clusters
:param max_tries: Number of max tries before the algorithm gives up
:return: New or original list of clusters
if len(child_clusters) < 2:
return child_clusters
n_tries = 0
# Loop through all features for all cluster combinations
for i in range(len(child_clusters)):
if len(child_clusters[i].features) == 1:
for feature in child_clusters[i].features:
for j in range(len(child_clusters)):
if i == j:
other_clusters = \
list(set(child_clusters) - {child_clusters[i], child_clusters[j]})
child_clusters[i], child_clusters[j], change_flag = \
if change_flag:
print('Feature {} was re-assigned'.format(feature))
print('{name_0} has {number_0} features and name_1 has {number_1} ' \
if not change_flag:
n_tries += 1
if max_tries and n_tries >= max_tries:
print('Number of max tries has been reached. Returning current result...')
return child_clusters
return child_clusters
def nearest_component_sorting_once(initial_child_clusters):
Updates the centroids of the initial child clusters and re-assigns the features to the
clusters with updated centroids based on absolute correlation
:param initial_child_clusters: A list of initial child clusters
:return: A new list of child clusters and boolean indicating if the clusters have been
updated or not
full_dataframe = pd.concat(
[cluster.dataframe for cluster in initial_child_clusters], axis=1
corr_table = pd.concat(
[full_dataframe.corrwith(cluster.pca_features[0]) for cluster in
corr_sq_table = corr_table ** 2
corr_max = corr_sq_table.max(axis=1)
cluster_membership = corr_sq_table.apply(lambda x: x == corr_max)
if (cluster_membership.sum() == 0).sum():
print('Features of this cluster are most correlated with first PCA component. Consider '
'increasing max_eigenvalue. Randomly assigning features to child clusters...')
i_range, j_range = cluster_membership.shape
for i in range(i_range):
for j in range(j_range):
cluster_membership.iloc[i, j] = (i % j_range == j)
new_child_clusters = [
feature_list=[feature for (feature, condition)
in cluster_membership[membership].to_dict().items()
if condition],
name='{0}-{1}'.format(initial_child_clusters[0].parents[0].name, str(i)))
for i, membership in enumerate(cluster_membership)
# Check if clusters are unchanged
old_cluster_features = set([
tuple(cluster.features.sort() or cluster.features) for cluster in initial_child_clusters
new_cluster_features = set([
tuple(cluster.features.sort() or cluster.features) for cluster in new_child_clusters
return new_child_clusters, old_cluster_features != new_cluster_features
def nearest_component_sorting(initial_child_clusters):
Iteratively assigns features to the child clusters based on re-computed centroids of each
child cluster
:param initial_child_clusters: A list of initial child clusters
:return: Updated list of child clusters
n_tries = 0
change_flag = True
new_child_clusters = initial_child_clusters
while change_flag:
new_child_clusters, change_flag = \
return new_child_clusters
def one_step_decompose(cluster, max_tries=3):
Algorithm that conducts one-time decomposition of the cluster.
:param cluster: A cluster to be decomposed
:param max_tries: Number of max tries during re-assigning phase before it gives up
:return: A list of child clusters of this cluster after decomposition
corr_table = pd.concat(cluster.pca_corr, axis=1)
corr_sq_table = corr_table ** 2
corr_max = corr_sq_table.max(axis=1)
cluster_membership = corr_sq_table.apply(lambda x: x == corr_max)
if (cluster_membership.sum() == 0).sum():
print('Features of this cluster are most correlated with first PCA component. Consider '
'increasing max_eigenvalue. Randomly assigning features to child clusters...')
i_range, j_range = cluster_membership.shape
for i in range(i_range):
for j in range(j_range):
cluster_membership.iloc[i, j] = (i % j_range == j)
child_clusters = [
feature_list=[feature for (feature, condition)
in cluster_membership[membership].to_dict().items()
if condition],
name='{0}-{1}'.format(cluster.name, str(i)))
for i, membership in enumerate(cluster_membership)
# Phase 1: nearest component sorting
print('phase #1: NCS')
child_clusters = \
# Phase 2: search algorithm
print('phase #2: Search')
child_clusters = \
VarClus.reassign_features_pca(child_clusters, max_tries=max_tries)
return child_clusters
def _decompose(cluster, max_eigenvalue, max_tries):
Main recursive function to decompose a feature space based on certain rules.
:param cluster: An instance of Cluster class that represents a feature space
:param max_eigenvalue: Eigenvalue threshold below which the decomposition will be stopped
:param max_tries: Max number of tries when re-assigning features before it gives up
if len(cluster.features) >= cluster.n_split and \
len(cluster.features) > 1 and \
cluster.pca_eigenvalues[-1] >= max_eigenvalue:
print('decomposing cluster {}'.format(cluster.name))
cluster.children = VarClus.one_step_decompose(cluster, max_tries=max_tries)
for child_cluster in cluster.children:
def decompose(self, dataframe):
Scales and decomposes a given dataframe in an oblique hierarchical way.
:param dataframe: a pandas dataframe that contains the feature space
scaled_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(scale(dataframe), columns=dataframe.columns)
self.cluster = Cluster(scaled_dataframe,
return self.cluster
def final_cluster_structure(self):
Gets the final cluster structure after decomposition
if not self.cluster:
print('Please decompose the feature space first. Empty ')
return []
return self.cluster.return_all_leaves()
def _print_cluster_structure(root_cluster, prefix='', h_space=5):
Prints the hierarchical structure below a given root cluster
:param root_cluster: An instance of Cluster class
:param prefix: String to be prefixed for each print
:param h_space: Horizontal spacing or indentation for each sub level
:return: A printout that shows the decomposition of the feature space
if root_cluster.children:
for index, child_cluster in enumerate(root_cluster.children):
print(prefix + '|')
print(prefix + '|' + '-' * h_space + child_cluster.name)
if index == len(root_cluster.children) - 1:
new_prefix = prefix + ' ' * (h_space + 1)
new_prefix = prefix + '|' + ' ' * h_space
VarClus._print_cluster_structure(child_cluster, prefix=new_prefix, h_space=h_space)
for feature in root_cluster.features:
print(prefix + '|' + '-' * h_space + feature)
def print_cluster_structure(self, h_space=5):
Prints the hierarchical structure of the decomposition
:param h_space: Horizontal spacing or indentation for each sub level
:return: A printout that shows the decomposition of the feature space
VarClus._print_cluster_structure(self.cluster, h_space=h_space)